Causes Of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Causes Of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
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Thursday, January 14, 2021


Everything You Need to Know About.

Every Thyroid Disorder:

Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Our hormones can be difficult to deal with at times, but it is because of them that our bodily system can actually communicate within themselves.

With that you may have an idea or you may not have any clue about the Thyroid disorder they are the most Commons and dominating over all the endocrine disorders.

Direst cause of endocrine dysfunction of the hormone:-

  • Messengers,and Hypothyroidism.

  • Which affects 4.6% of the US population.

  • And hyperthyroidism which impacts1.2% are the most common.

  • According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

What Is Hypothyroidism?


No thyroid hormone in the blood and a bare activation of the thyroid gland is seen these are the results of this disorder according to the experts.

Hypothyroidism is also called under active thyroid or low thyroid, and it is classifieds as a disorder of the endocrine system in a persons thyroid gland.It occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.

What Are The Symptoms?

The Symptoms

This results in a number of different symptoms.The symptoms can vary from person to person, but one clear signal is the ability to lose weight.Women who are over the age of 60 are much more likely to develop hypothyroidism, which up sets the balance of chemical reactions in a persons body.

There are very rare symptoms that show in the early stages of hypothyroidism, but overtime and if left untreated, hypothyroidism can cause an assortment of various different health issues.

These health issues include obesity, infertility, joint pain, and heart disease.There are, however, we are blessed with all sorts thyroid function test which can give you an accurate rating of the organs functionality and we can treat that with very safely and effectively

Many of our body organs or systems slows down if there is a low percentage of thyroid hormone in the blood ,according to experts there would be a lack of energy, sluggish and becoming tired very easily.

If your body doesn't have a working metabolism, which slows down with this disorder.

Another telltale symptom like a slow metabolism which leads in constipation and a major effect on body temperature which triggers in a decrease resulting people become cold.

An Extremely slow development of symptoms can be observed due to the severity of the hypothyroidism and usually over a number of years.

Symptoms such as fatigue and weight gain are not noticeable at first, but as a persons metabolism continues to slow down, more obvious symptoms of hyperthyroidism become noticeable.

You may notice hair thinning ,heart rate slowing down ,and a bad or impaired memory.

The symptoms also include a sudden sensitivities increase like to cold, dry skin,constipation , fatigue ,weakness in muscles and more.

Untreated hypothyroidism can result in symptoms which become more and more severe over time,leading to an enlarged thyroid, forgetfulness, or even depression.Advanced hypothyroidism is known as myxedema.

What is advanced hypothyroidism or myxedema?

advanced hypothyroidism

Myxedema is very rare, but can actually be life threatening.Symptoms include decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, low blood pressure, and unresponsiveness.

In some very extreme cases, myxedema can actually even be fatal.Hypothyroidism can also occur in infants.

Newborns with hypothyroidism may experience symptoms which include yellowing of the skin and in the whites of their eyes (known as jaundice).

What Is Jaundice?


Jaundice occurs when a babies liver is unable to metabolize the substance bilirubin, which forms when a persons body recycles damaged or old red blood cells.

Other symptoms include a large tongue, a puffy face, and frequent choking.As hypothyroidism progresses, infants may also have trouble feeding and may experience development issues.

They may also experience constipation and excessive sleepiness.Untreated hypothyroidism in infants can also lead to intellectual and physical disabilities if left untreated.

What are the symptoms in Children?

Hypothyroidism in children

Hypothyroidism in children and teens may also cause delayed puberty, poor mental development,delayed development of permanent teeth, poor growth, and more.

What is Hyperthyroidism?


Hyperthyroidism: This thyroid disorder is the total opposite of hypothyroidism.Hyperthyroidism means The thyroid hormone is way to much in the blood then whats needed according to the experts.

There is a much more speed-ed up metabolism in this than what we have discussed in the earlier session of hypothyroidism the people who are experiencing hyperthyroidism will be on hyper drive feels irritated ,nervous and anxious according to the Experts.

Sleeping disorder and a weakening muscles can also be experienced with people with hyperthyroidism

There are many different treatment options available to those who have hyperthyroidism,such as anti thyroid medication and radioactive iodine which slow down the production of thyroid hormones.

Some cases may require surgery to remove the thyroid gland.Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are similar to many other health problems, which can make it difficult for doctors to diagnose.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:-

  • Sudden weight loss.

  • Rapid heartbeat.

  • Increased sensitivity to heat.

  • Difficulty sleeping, fatigue.

  • Muscle weakness.

  • And many more.

Older adults may not show signs or symptoms.A common problem associated with hyperthyroidism is a disorder called graves ophthalmology which makes a persons eyeballs protrude beyond their protective orbits.

This happens because the tissues and muscles behind a persons eyes swell.

Other signs of graves ophthalmology include red or swollen eyes, light sensitivity, blur your double vision, Discomfort or excessive tearing on both the eyes.

What are the causes of thyroid disorder?

Thyroid Disorders causes

An autoimmune and most common disorder is grave disease that causes hyperthyroidism

it makes the organ to secrete excess amount of hormone by stimulating antibodies in a persons thyroid-gland.

A commonly seen grave disease in women than in man and usually its genetic

hyperthyroidism Other causes of are

Tumors in the ovaries,

Benign tumors of the thyroid or pituitary gland,

Excess iodine,

Large amount of tetra iodothyronine which are taken through medication or supplements, And many more.

What is Hashimotos thyroiditis.?

Hashimotos thyroiditis.

Mistake of body immune system are the cause of these disorder in some cases enzymes off thyroid cells and glands become attackers to the systems this type of hypothyroidism is called Hashimotos thyroiditis.

Nodules developed on thyroid gradually increase the input of thyroid hormone by growing itself that is the major cause of hyperthyroidism

How to Detect and Treat These Disorders?

Treating The Disorder

Doctors will conduct work to confirm if the thyroid hormones are within range.

If developed symptoms like mention in the early session ,by you or someone you know.

The experts explains that the treatment is done by levothyroxine which is prescribed and it is a sythetic harmone these are normally used in thyroid disorder.blocking your own thyroid hormone also can be used by anti thyroid drugs.

A big role playing certain key factors include leaky gut, diet, toxins, infection, and stress.So if practitioners suspect the disorder may be autoimmune in nature, than food sensitivities,especially gluten, and digestion are looked at, according to the Mayo Clinic.

In order to function properly, the thyroid needs several key nutrients.So it is possible that addressing nutrient deficiencies, such as selenium and zinc, maybe a factor in treatment.

Other hormones, like cortisol and the sex hormones, should also be tested due to the integrated nature of the endocrine system.

 Hashimoto's thyroiditis

 what are some of the causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, who is at risk for getting this condition?

We're also going to talk about how we can diagnose it and how we can treat it, so hashing notice, I read itis is a chronic autoimmune thyroiditis causing a primary hypothyroidism due to a cellular and humeral mediated destruction of thyroid tissue .

Key points to take it is an autoimmune condition that causes primary hypo thyroid ism it is in fact the most common cause of hypothyroidism at least in the developed world and like many other autoimmune conditions females outnumber males with its condition.

Generally the ratio is between 7 to 1 so 7 females for every one male and it is such a common condition that it is estimated that up to 10 percent of the general population has this condition and interestingly it actually increases with increasing age.

The prevalence of Hashimoto's actually increases with age, the older you get the more chances you could get Hashimoto's , this is a significant condition,

How are we going to remember that Hashimoto's causes hypothyroidism?

Think about the phrase Hashimoto's hacks up the thyroid gland, Hashimoto's hacks up the thyroid gland and pitcher and acts and you're essentially just chopping up a thyroid gland and if you have a chopped-up thyroid gland if it's hacked up well it's not going to be functional it's gonna be hypothyroid.

That's how you can remember that Hashimoto's causes hypothyroidism Hashimoto's hacks up the thyroid gland.

What are some of the risk factors of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

The risk factors include genetic conditions.

it's interesting that individuals with Down syndrome and Turner syndrome have an increased prevalence of Hashimoto's in general now there's also associations with the gene HLA dr3 because this is an autoimmune condition. and interestingly.

If you actually seen a family member who has Graves diseases which is a condition causing hyperthyroidism, well you're at more risk for actually having Hashimoto's they're both autoimmune conditions, they generally run together.

Other interesting risk factors include having stress.

Increased stress seems to be associated with the onset of this condition again family history, this falls in line with genetic conditions and genes gender as we mentioned before.

Being female is a big risk factor in fact it's seven to one compared to males, a high iodine consumption or high iodine diet can actually increase your risk for having this condition , it's been shown that having actually a bit of a lower iodine consumption diet , a bit on the lower side may actually reduce the risk of having this condition.

There's also question of cigarette smoking cause this? or does some kind of infection cause this? is not quite known , there are actually a couple sub types, I want you to to just know about these are really not that important for this session.

But the sub-types for Hashimoto's thyroiditis include a goiter as' type, the person generally has what we describe as a rubbery thyroid , they have you thyroid condition that progresses to a hypo thyroid condition and it's due to 'the fibroid changes.

The other condition is atrophic this leads to hypothyroidism and is associated with the thyroid lymphoma, the two conditions because this is an autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland.

We're either going to have a basically shrivel up by roid Glen like you might see in a tropic subtype or you will have a fibroid changes scarring which cause a rubbery goiter Esta p-- Hashimoto's, these are the two conditions I want you to think about.

What actually causes Hashimoto's thyroiditis? what is the pathos physiology?

In order to understand what happens in hatch motor started  it's important to know the general basic endocrine signaling pathway abnormal thyroid functioning, generally in a normal thyroid or a normal patient healthy patient with no thyroid issues the hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone trh.

Which acts on the anterior pituitary to release TSH thyroid stimulating hormone, which then acts on the thyroid gland to release t4 thyroxine and t3 triiodothyronine, both of these hormones can relay back .

The negative feedback inhibition on the anterior pituitary gland to reduce the level of TSH and they can also feedback on the hypothalamus to reduce the level of T rage, in a normal functioning thyroid.

We're going to get release of these hormones in response to TSH and these hormones are going to have a negative feedback loop on both the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus to both reduce levels of T RH and TSH.

That's the normal thyroid functioning and t4 and t3 are so important because they're responsible for the MS and the MS our movement mentation and metabolism so we need to metabolize, we need metabolism to survive, we need to think, we need mentation and we need to move around,These important ones are super important.

what happens in Hashimoto's?

Hashimoto's is essentially due to a defective T cell suppressor I'm not going to get into all the details here but essentially, you want are your body to suppress T cells that can target its own cells.

There's a signaling cascade that leads to cell needed destruction of thyroid follicles and T cells can lead to the activation of B cells which can lead to the production of antibodies against a variety of components within the thyroid gland like thyroglobulin thyroid per oxidase TSH receptor.

The sodium iodine in symporter so essentially because of all these antibodies in the cell media destruction and attack on the thyroid gland Hashimoto's essentially member hacks up the thyroid gland we lose the thyroid Lane, we're not going to be able to produce t4 t3.

These hormones are going to decrease in concentration, they're going to decrease in levels and because we lose T4 and T3 we lose the negative feedback regulation on the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus leading to increased TSH and increased trh.

Because the body sees that you know, we know why is the thyroid gland not doing what it's supposed to do, it's gonna try to actually pump out even more hormone to get it to function ,that's why we see all of these responses to the attack on the thyroid gland, again low t4 and t3 a high TSH and a high th.

Hashimoto's essentially presents with signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and the thyroid gland as mentioned to produces t4 and t3 which are responsible to ment a shin movement and metabolism so all of these are going to be reduced in function.

If we were to take a broad look at a patient, with signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism They have hair loss.

  • They coarse and dry hair
  • They have dry skin
  • They have Perry or little puffiness
  • They also have decreased mentation.
  • They have a bad mood
  • They are always depressed they are fatigued.
  • They they have a reduced metabolism resulting weight gain.
  • They are intolerant to cold
  • They feel cold hypothermia
  • They also have muscle cramping
  • They have energy loss.
  • They have a great cardio disorder so reduced heart rate.
  • They have delayed reflex relaxation so the delayed deep tendon reflexes.

 In other sinus symptoms of hypothyroidism include.

  • Constipation
  • The GI system is basically slowed down
  • They have immense menstrual abnormalities

How to make the diagnosis?

How to treat Hashimoto's?

It is understood that the pathophysiology of Hashimoto's and normal thyroid functioning, it's pretty easy to diagnose, this in fact we've already talked about it before if we see a high TSH and a low t4 we can say the patient has hypothyroidism.

If you're thinking well maybe is it Hashim Odo's or maybe some other cause well we can dig in a little bit deeper to measure some of those antibodies we talked about before, one of them that is typically assessed is the anti-thyroid peroxidase.

This will be elevated in Hashimoto's and you can also look for thyroglobulin antibodies so again the diagnosis is going to be with a high TSH and a low t4 that's essentially hypothyroidism.

If you're thinking it's an autoimmune condition, its Hashimoto's you want to order in anti-thyroid peroxidase so how do we treat it well basically it's pretty simple to treat this really we want to replace what they've lost and we replace that with el thyroxine or synthroid to essentially treat their hypothyroidism.

They don't have enough thyroid hormones they don't have enough t4 t3 we got to give it back to them so that is how we treat it


In order for healing to begin while being treated, it is essential to address the root causes that could be at play.

A doctor can help evaluate your current condition and give you professional advice about your health in the event that you are diagnosed with a condition or disorder.

Most symptoms associated with thyroid disorders are very slow and undetectable the symptoms are hardly noticeable at first

But if you by any chance experiencing or noticing the symptoms that are mention in the earlier session like extreme fatigue, excessive weight gain or loss, dry skin, puffy eyes, and / or a pale face, the thyroid disorder must be ruled out by consulting your doctor ,and it is important to monitor your health.

The doctor will put you on a course of treatment to minimize your symptoms. If thyroid disorder is diagnosed within you

Of course, you should also make sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise and a nutrient rich diet.

If you need help determining how to incorporate healthy foods and / or exercise into your new routine, consult with a professional to ensure you are doing it the right way, particularly if you are a senior or already have certain medical conditions.

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